The Everyday life of a Labradoodle
Welcome to the everyday life of a Labradoodle, post comments and be prepared to laugh! The Everyday life of a Labradoodle: Great Question on Ask a Doodle

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Great Question on Ask a Doodle

Anonymous said...
LUKE,here are a few quick questions for you...-What is your favorite color?-How often do u wash yourself?-Why do u love going for a walk?-Do you have a favorite actress/actor? If so, who?-Favorite sport?-Favorite human food?-What is really your favorite sport?-Do u have a wbsite editor? (if so I think they should be fired!!! two words: spell check)-Do you beleive in global warming?-What is your opinion on the death penalty?-Do you like homeless people? Friend, foe, or food?-If you could have dinner with anyo person who ever lived, dead or alive, who would it be, where would u eat, what would u eat, and why them?-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?
April 11, 2009 1:45 PM


Luke's favorite color is green, he washes himself once in a great while, he loves going for a walk because he gets to sniff so many things, his favorite actress is Jessica alba(guess why) and will smith (actor)because Luke really liked the movie I am legend. Lukes favorite sport IS baseball, and his favorite food are hotdogs(no it is not cannibalism) yes Luke does have a website editor, and sometimes Luke tries to type and his paws are too big for the keys, so that is why you may recognize spelling mistakes. Luke does believe in global warming and often regrets going to cold places because it trashes his hypothesis. The Death Penalty should only be allowed for certain crimes like several killings or killings of someone in the federal government. Homeless people can taste good with ketchup, but without they are friends(kind of like cats).Any person that ever lived to go out to dinner with, well this is the best question so far! Luke would go out to dinner with Barack Obama to discuss the problems and annoyances of the over-populated species of cats (except for teddy). The meaning of life is to enjoy your surroundings and live a long happy life. Luke is trying to do that, but some annoyances get in the way, and the rest explains itself. Luke thinks the meaning of life defeats its own purpose, even though he loves life. (I know very confusing). If you would like a better meaning Lukes suggests that you go to an online dictionary.

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