The Everyday life of a Labradoodle
Welcome to the everyday life of a Labradoodle, post comments and be prepared to laugh! The Everyday life of a Labradoodle: Airforce Photoshoots?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Airforce Photoshoots?

This is by far the most heart pounding story of the year. Yet the most ridiculous story in years has occurred. Air force 1 was seen flying over New York City, at surprisingly low altitudes. The famous plane was apparently having a photo shoot. What dummy thought of this idea? Did they ever consider the fact that this city had been attacked before? Who would think to put a photo shoot for a low flying plane in a city that is overly paranoid about planes, even at high altitudes? Did they really need it in NYC? Not Chicago? Not even Boston? No. They just HAD to put a low flying plane in a city where 8 years ago people freaked out over the same thing. This terrorist attack displayed tragedy and made even more by the war in which it created, but no who cares lets just put the President of the United states under the bus by putting his jet 200 feet over a couple skyscrapers. Yea, that’s right Obama it will NOT happen again.

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