The Everyday life of a Labradoodle
Welcome to the everyday life of a Labradoodle, post comments and be prepared to laugh! The Everyday life of a Labradoodle

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Last Post

Hello everyone, it has been so long since my last post, as I have not had much time to work on Luke's blog. I am sad to say, that it is time to end the posting about Luke. Luke has and interesting life, and from now on, it should be private. Luke says goodbye, to everyone who has viewed this blog, and appreciates everything.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Manny Ramirez. He has done it again. His strange lifestyle and a sure hall-of-famer, shattered in the instance of a day. It just shows how bad baseball really is. A man that was what Luke says a little shady, but this is not what we expected. Its one thing to take HGH or roids, but a womens fertility drug? This not only shatters his reputation, but embarrases him to the bone. Speaking of Bones, Luke got a new one today, and he gets really PO when you try and take it from him. I was petting his nose when a sudden grrrrrrrrrrrrr came among him. Getting back to Manny, this will affect his team in other ways than not just having him to hit, but people in front of him like Andre Either and Orland Hudson will not be hitting very well. Getting back to better things, Lukes other cat in the house is named Manny, and isn't exactly so pleased with him lately.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Airforce Photoshoots?

This is by far the most heart pounding story of the year. Yet the most ridiculous story in years has occurred. Air force 1 was seen flying over New York City, at surprisingly low altitudes. The famous plane was apparently having a photo shoot. What dummy thought of this idea? Did they ever consider the fact that this city had been attacked before? Who would think to put a photo shoot for a low flying plane in a city that is overly paranoid about planes, even at high altitudes? Did they really need it in NYC? Not Chicago? Not even Boston? No. They just HAD to put a low flying plane in a city where 8 years ago people freaked out over the same thing. This terrorist attack displayed tragedy and made even more by the war in which it created, but no who cares lets just put the President of the United states under the bus by putting his jet 200 feet over a couple skyscrapers. Yea, that’s right Obama it will NOT happen again.

The Power of The Nose

Many people would say that their most valuable physical part of them is their eyes. But when you ask a dog, it changes. The Nose is the most valuable resource for a dog, as these special creatures can use this device, or body part as humans may say. Why am i saying this? If you have a dog then you probably already understand. The other day i was watching the hockey game, when Luke came up and sat next to me on the couch, armed with a tennis ball. Anyways, getting back to the power of the nose, we covered Luke’s eyes then threw the ball into the corner under bags of clothes. Luke immediately went towards the ground, trying to sense where the ball went. Try this with your dog, if you have one, and you will experience the power if the nose. If you do not have a dog, Luke suggests that you buy several, and if you are allergic to fur, than buy a labradoodle, like Luke, because he has hair instead of fur.

Monday, April 27, 2009

NFL Salaries

Working and earning and 41 ___ a year guaranteed. For most people in this nation that next word would be thousand. But for one young adult, 21 to be exact, the next word in the blank would be million. If he stays with the same Franchise for 6 years, he makes 72 million. A man that is now employed to the NFL, without one NFL start, is now a millionaire do something he has not done before. Is it a coincidence that this is going on in a recession? No. Luke thinks that so much money is going toward salaries, that the large nationwide companies, in this case the Detroit Lions, have no one to blame but themselves. Luke would never be a professional athlete, but if he was, he would not live up to the greed that these so called "heroes" to society call themselves. There are people that give millions of dollars to charity, which infact is a silver lining, but so many people are employed with injected greed from their overpayment of ridiculous salaries. Almost everyone in this nation never even makes 5 million their whole life working, then why should a 21 year old person with an almost not important at all of a job, be paid 72 million dollars for six years of playing football?

Write your opinion on our forum!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

phrases that Luke is familiar to

*out front* (referring to go and run around in the front yard)
*squirrel*(chasing the stupid animal)
*house*(going inside)
*marley* (friend on Lukes)
*lola*(dog that used to live down the street)
*Dixie*(same as lola)
*who's that* (asking luke to look out the window)
*go get em'* (most likely to be a squirrel)

usually saying these in high pitch tones of voice can help Luke understand them better

Friday, April 24, 2009


Once, our cousins came over we went out to their car to greet them. The last person to leave left the door open for Luke, who proudly ran out into their car, leaping over the baby couzin, who even worse, started to cry. How is this Caring? Well, Luke being the nice dog he is, refused to move away from the child, and even tried to lick her. Luke really sets an example for other dogs on how to act.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Most Dynamic Season Ever

Recently, many headlines in major newspapers have not been on the ailing econmy, but the outburst of hits, runs, homeruns, and even cycles mounted one on top of another. Luke thinks the design of Yankee Staduim was a complete disaster, giving 21 homeruns in 5 games. This is also happening at the new mets staduim, although it is not as bad, it still gives a complete advantage to the hitters at the ballpark. Not only is batting dominating this season, but their has been extra, better, historical hitting occuring. Eight grand salamis have been hit, and three cycles already half of which occured last season. These components, in Lukes mind, makes up the most dynamic season ever.

Do you agree? go to the forum and write YOUR opinion....Luke will be proud.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Luke shows random acts of kindness and ferociousness at home, and can easily intimidate you, but once Luke sniffs you, it all gets better. If you ever are planning to meet Luke, then please shave any facial hair and do not I say do not wear sunglasses! Luke gets a little confused when he sees people with these, and hats aren't his cup of tea either, so remember, if you happen to bump into Luke someday at the supermarket, then make sure that you are not growing facial hair. Then you can worry about the sunglasses. As an act of protection, Luke barks at anyone he is unfamiliar to, and often barks at you every time you come until he can see you. His kindness is great, because when you get home you get a nice (occasionally smelly) dog that jumps on you and walks on certain people. Luke has a dynamic swagger as you can say, but don’t worry; we are working on the facial phobia.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

NBA Playoff Predictions

Boston over Chicago
Cleveland over Pistons
Miami over Atlanta
Orlando over Philly
LA over Utah
Houston over Portland
Spurs over Mavericks
New Orleans over Denver

NHL Playoff Predictions

Bruins over Capitals
Capitals over Rangers
Blackhawks over Flames
Devils over Hurricanes
Penguins over Flyers
Sharks over Ducks
Red Wings over Blue Jackets
Canucks over Blues

NBA predictions coming up next...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

NHL photos of the year...for lukes favorite team

Thats it for now...we will have predictions for the playoffs in each sport coming up next...then photos from lukes favorite bball team!

Friday, April 17, 2009

#19 Song of the week

Light my Fire by the doors

experiencing fame

The other day, luke had the chace to meet two of his favorite professional football players for the patriots. Laurence Maroney and Ellis Hobbs. Here are pictures of the star players.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Luke had a great easter. He had a nice ham and macaroni and chesse dinner, complemented by bread with butter. Luke hopes that you all had just as nice of a dinner. Besides that,Luke would like to say that he apreciates anyone who has left comments on this blog. Although he is upset with his favorite professional baseball team lately, he is coping with it. Thanks, and remember to ask questions on ask a dog.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Great Question on Ask a Doodle

Anonymous said...
LUKE,here are a few quick questions for you...-What is your favorite color?-How often do u wash yourself?-Why do u love going for a walk?-Do you have a favorite actress/actor? If so, who?-Favorite sport?-Favorite human food?-What is really your favorite sport?-Do u have a wbsite editor? (if so I think they should be fired!!! two words: spell check)-Do you beleive in global warming?-What is your opinion on the death penalty?-Do you like homeless people? Friend, foe, or food?-If you could have dinner with anyo person who ever lived, dead or alive, who would it be, where would u eat, what would u eat, and why them?-WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?
April 11, 2009 1:45 PM


Luke's favorite color is green, he washes himself once in a great while, he loves going for a walk because he gets to sniff so many things, his favorite actress is Jessica alba(guess why) and will smith (actor)because Luke really liked the movie I am legend. Lukes favorite sport IS baseball, and his favorite food are hotdogs(no it is not cannibalism) yes Luke does have a website editor, and sometimes Luke tries to type and his paws are too big for the keys, so that is why you may recognize spelling mistakes. Luke does believe in global warming and often regrets going to cold places because it trashes his hypothesis. The Death Penalty should only be allowed for certain crimes like several killings or killings of someone in the federal government. Homeless people can taste good with ketchup, but without they are friends(kind of like cats).Any person that ever lived to go out to dinner with, well this is the best question so far! Luke would go out to dinner with Barack Obama to discuss the problems and annoyances of the over-populated species of cats (except for teddy). The meaning of life is to enjoy your surroundings and live a long happy life. Luke is trying to do that, but some annoyances get in the way, and the rest explains itself. Luke thinks the meaning of life defeats its own purpose, even though he loves life. (I know very confusing). If you would like a better meaning Lukes suggests that you go to an online dictionary.


Luke now has his own forum. This forum is mostly used to express your opinions about things that luke already shares. I know it's hard but try and limit the compliments about Luke, he is just such a nice dog. Anyways...visit the forum at and register as a user. Luke probabley won't be blogging tomorrow, because it is easter. Happy easter!

NL Central Predictions

NL Central

Lukes Easter Basket

The picture below shows Luke's custom easter basket.The Items inside are items that suite his personality. Enjoy, and make your own custom easter basket and send it to Luke, his email is and the best easter baskets might get to go on the blog.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Talking Dog

Good Friday and National Sibling Day

Along with a major day each year for christians, comes national sibling day. Luke would like to say hello to his sister sadie, but unfortunatley he can't right now. Luke would also like to say happy good friday to any christians out their, and passover to the jewish.

Wondering how a dog can know all of this? Make yourself seem smart about stuff visit

For holidays each day around the world.

Just to let you all know this is not an ad, it is just in apreciation, cause this is a really handy site.

So many choices......

Over the years Luke has been alive (3) (dont remind him about his age) Luke has come across many hard decisions. Here are one of Lukes decisions that are often hard choices in life:
Car insurance:
geico or state farm winner:
geico, reason is simple, the gecko is just so cool.

Monday, April 6, 2009


For the next couple of weeks, luke will be taking emails about a possible motto. He already has one in mind, but will support all of your ideas. Prizes will be determined. Send your ideas for your motto and your first name to to enter. Thanks! Luke appreciates every input.

NL East predictions

Nl East

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Accomplishments to Achieve

These things below are the things luke would like to do in his lifetime, viewing this blog and telling everyone you know about it may help these things happen.

1.Meet Barack Obama
2.Sniff Barack Obama
3.Figure out the truth about area 51/sniff out the details
4.Ride in the oscar meyer weener mobile
5.Visit China
6.Visit South Korea
7.Sniff out osama ben laden
8.Win a grammy
9.Win an oscar
10.Win the noble peace prize
11.Win the world series as a starting outfielder
12.Write a book about my life experiences
13.Win the Datoyna 500
14.Become Senator of Massachusetts
15. Run for President
16.Meet Al Gore
17.Write a documentary about the mysterious behaviors of labradoodles and other dogs
18. Have more than 1,000,000 people view this blog
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